A cross-disciplinary approach dedicated to furthering our understanding of the fundamental problems facing individuals and groups today, and to discover the meaning and creative insights within the conflicts they face.
When you share with me the challenges you are facing and what it is you want instead, my creative juices start flowing. From all the models and methods I know, I pull the right pieces of them together until we end up with a session aligned and designed uniquely for you, your team, and the situation you’re facing.
Connection is as important to me as creativity. It flows through everything: our connection as partners in the work; the connection between different models, methods, and approaches for a cohesive session; connection between you and your team; between the individuals in the room; with the challenge you want to address; and, connection with the purpose, values, and vision of your company.
And I believe in engagement and culture. Not as a tool or a tactic. But because truly caring about and engaging your people, and intentionally creating (and sustaining) your culture will set your company apart and have an impact that will be far reaching.
On the education front, I have a Master’s of Applied Behavioral Science with a focus on leadership & organizational development, and training in best practice Human Performance and Organizational Development models and theories.
On a personal note, I love animals. When I was little, I wanted to be Dr. Doolittle. The happiest place on earth for me is a warm beach with sunshine and a good book. I love good food but not cooking. I support local farms and farmers (having grown up on one). I care deeply about the environment and am awed by the beauty of nature.